Ecotours Worldwide - Stop Dreaming - Start Booking


Guatemala has been rediscovered recently as a fantastic birding destination. It was forgotten for long time because of the problems in the past and also because of lacking sufficient info about local birds and possibilities. Things has changed, now the country is safe, more and more great lodges and eco-ranches offer good accommodation, some with even local guides, but definitely with excellent birds around. Habitats ranging from lowland forests on both Atlantic and Pacific coasts through huge chains of high mountains to deserts, freshwater lakes and river systems. No wonder Guatemala offers very diverse flora and fauna, including close to 750 bird species, among them such irresistable ones like Horned Guan, Resplendent Quetzal, Harpy Eagle, Fulvous Owl, Keel-billed Motmot, Orange-breasted Falcon, Yellow-naped & Yellow-headed Parrot, Blue-tailed Hummingbird, White-breasted Hawk, Belted -, Pileated & Olive-sided Flycatcher, Black Catbird, Golden-winged -, Golden-cheeked & Pink-headed Warbler,  Azure-rumped Tanager or Painted Bunting. 

We visit Guatemala since 2007 and each year we discover new and even better areas. We have seen and photographed amazing wildlife ranging from Scarlet Macaws to Tapirs, but we love the country not just because of its fantastic wildlife, but its friendly people, vivid colors & traditions, not to mention the best Mayan archaelogical buildings at Tikal. Come and join to us to enjoy all these beauties!



Phone: Call May-October; Text all year 
+36 30-645-9318 or +36 30-211-0006
Call Nov-April: +506 84961012 or 84961417
ecotoursgabororban @
toucanbirdingecolodge @ 

Our mission

Our first priority is to save habitats & species.

Secondly we would like to share our knowledge of wildlife and encourage you to participate directly or indirectly in protecting nature.

We are also working continuously on our carbon balance with developing our 23 hectares of wildlife reserve.

Our partners

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