Ecotours Worldwide - Stop Dreaming - Start Booking
Whichever country you visit in Latin America one of the striking features in nature the obviously exuberant vegetation. It is simply a mission impossible to describe the huge variety of flowering plants from cacti through orchids and other epiphytes, long list of tropical deciduous trees and higher eleveation pine trees, wildflowers of all the different vegetation zones from deserts till the tree line.
We have been living, photographing and guiding in Latin America and at some other Worldwide destinations more than 15 years so we have accumulated a tremendous knowledge about the different habitats and where to go to admire and photograph various wildflowers and other plants.
A few of our favourite dragofly destinations at different habitats Worldwide:
Costa Rica-incredibly rich in dragonflies at various habitats
Panama-the Canal region is excellent for huge variety dragonflies
Mexico-colourful endemics of Yucatan & Chiapas
Belize-from lowland tropical rainforests to highland pine forests
Brazil-the Atlantic forest offers one of the most biodiverse areas
Peru-vast variety of habitats with incredible odonata species
Colombia-only country with 3 ranges of Andes with wildlife rich valleys
Ethiopia-Abyssinean unique endemic flora and fauna
Uganda-special wildlife and vegetation alongside the Albertine Rift
Georgia-Caucasian wonders from steppes till snow covered hills
All pictures you can see either on this page at the bottom photogallery or at other destination pages were made during our tours.
Phone: Call May-October; Text all year
+36 30-645-9318 or +36 30-211-0006
Call Nov-April: +506 84961012 or 84961417
ecotoursgabororban @
toucanbirdingecolodge @
Our first priority is to save habitats & species.
Secondly we would like to share our knowledge of wildlife and encourage you to participate directly or indirectly in protecting nature.
We are also working continuously on our carbon balance with developing our 23 hectares of wildlife reserve.
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